The Insider Guide

From places to see and things to do, our blogs can assist you in planning your next getaway or help you learn more about the Lake George Area! Look to The Insider Guide for suggested itineraries, firsthand experiences, and much more! 

Don Lehman

Fishing Focus: Ice Fishing Follows the First Freeze

The Lake George Area is a paradise for anglers year-round, but winter’s ice is special to many. It allows access to many sections of lakes and ponds that would otherwise be tough to fish for those who don’t have a boat. That means some of the best trout and salmon fishing spots become accessible to…

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Fishing Focus: Summer Trout Fishing Amid the Rain

Late summer is not a time of year where many trout anglers are thinking about heading to their favorite stream. Typically, our rivers and streams are at their lowest and warmest in August, and that is when trout are least active, struggling to find cooler water to survive heat that can be fatal to…

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Fishing Focus: Lake George Area Waters Teeming With Bass

The third Saturday in June used to be an unofficial holiday for fishermen and women of New York, as it had long been the day that bass season kicks off in the Empire State. But the creation of a catch-and-release season for bass a few years ago made it legal to fish for bass year-round as long as…

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Fishing Focus: Stocking the Schroon for Fall

The silver-and-red rainbow trout fought hard, running up and down a pool on the Schroon River before making its way to the angler’s net. Seconds later, it was darting back into the chilly water of the Schroon to fight another day. It’s a scene that plays itself out thousands of times in the spring…

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Fishing Focus: Angling for Smallmouth Bass in Late Summer

There have been a number of studies that have concluded that, pound-for-pound, the smallmouth bass is one of the hardest fighting freshwater gamefish we have. And when you put a smallmouth in a river, where it has to live battling current, and with more concern about predation, they seem to be even…

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Fishing Focus: Come and Get 'Em!

Opening Day! April 1 is a day that is circled on the calendars of many New York State anglers – the opening day of trout fishing season in New York. In Upstate New York, that day will typically feature cold temperatures and icy streams, as well as ice lingering on many ponds and lakes. That's not…

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Fishing Focus: Fishing & Foliage

In the eyes of most sportsmen and women, fall fishing often takes a back seat to the popular big-game hunting seasons, as hunters look to fill their freezer with venison or put a set of antlers on the wall. But the months between summer’s heat and winter’s cold can also provide some of the best…

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Fishing Focus: Bass Bite in the Summer

Summer for anglers in the southern Adirondacks inevitably leads to talk of bass fishing, as the annual summer bass bite kicks in around mid-summer and offers some of the best bass angling of the year. Here in Warren County, you can drop a line in any of dozens of lakes, ponds, and streams and find…

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